Monday, April 07, 2008

Why You Should Keep a Positive Spirit

I vividly remember that summer of 2007. As I received the plaque of Recognition from the school where I taught before, I was plagued with indescribable emotions because of so many uncertainties that I was facing.

Though thankful for the countless feats I received during the school year, I was filled with sadness too because I was in dilemma of where my decision would bring me.

I can not count the times I heard the statement, “You are at the peak of your career and you will just go away?” In my heart, I feared that I made the biggest mistake in my life.

I was in my comfort zone already but some inevitable circumstances led me to such pronouncement of leaving everything behind. What was doubly hard was being far from my home and my friends for five years. Needless to say, it was the biggest decision I have ever made in my entire life.

It was worsened with my health condition. I haven’t completely accepted yet my fate leaving my old job I was already beseeched with series of unfortunate events that blackened my hope of a bright future.

It was the most horrible summer I had. I couldn’t appreciate the glow of the sun because each light being showered by its rays pierced my heart. The biggest joke that could ever happen to one’s life is being diagnosed with a grave illness and the possibility of dying anytime.

However, life is good.

As I looked at my niece this morning trudging her first step on the pool for her swimming lesson, I couldn’t help but to think of the time I was hesitant too in my first steps towards the new facet of my life.

I feel grateful that I have found the key…the key of hope which helped me unlock another path of my life. 

Things are going on smoothly nowadays and I am just simply bath with convivial glow of the bright future that awaits me.

After being “officially unemployed” for two days, I was hired immediately and I now have a new job. I’ll be working on my Master's degree soon and perhaps I’ll take some law subjects also to chase my dream of becoming a lawyer. Although classes have not yet started I am finally doing something worthwhile by having my driving lesson.

There are still many unopened doors for me but now that I have the key of hope, the promises are enormous. My steps are not diffident anymore knowing that life is just a series of unlocking doors of probabilities.

Life is indeed good. 

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Dreamer's Dream

I know a dreamer... the young woman who holds the world in her hands. She has woven painstakingly her future- a wonderful one at that.

She built this grand wall around her that says, “I live in happiness, free from disenchantment, a world filled with roses.” Thus she laughs merrily and life has always gone off smoothly as she had planned.

In her vocabulary, the word “affliction” has no place. She defines the kind of life she lives. Her stars were always sparkling with gaiety and the rains were always that of tears of happiness. The skies her haven and the moon illumine the plethora of successes she seizes in her hands.

The dreamer is also a great believer of magic. The full spectrum of which can be seen by the way she handles things. The green verdant meadows her playground, the dragons of life will be slain by her knight and the occasional spell of solitude will be kissed away by her Prince.

One day, the storms came and threatened her world of dreams. The huge wall she built was whipped with the colossal wind and it sadly crumbled into pieces. The macabre tapestry of suffering, pain and disappointments which were just lurking all along scrambled to feast on her weakness.

It was a long battle against insanity and death of will to survive. The dreamer just found herself in a desolate chasm of endless pain. She was falling helplessly like Alice in Wonderland but there was no wonder in the bottomless hollow of darkness she plunged in.

Her soul was battered with a crushing blow and ended up torn into bitter pieces. Life lost its panorama of bright colors and what remained was the red helix wrapped in her heart wet with blood of pain.

In her grief- stricken heart, she walked in dazed with what once her haven of glorious dreams…bewildered and shoulder sagged like a little girl lost in the crowd.

However, after every storm the rainbow emerges to give hope. For the dreamer, it came in a perfect time…

The array of colors from the multihued arch gave her the strength of will to believe and hope that the wall she built will soon stand magnificently again. Indeed, it did.

Her broken heart was slowly healed and her future beamed that of limitless bright promises.

Hope is again within her grasp…happiness is in her heart.

Yet, the dreamer wiped her tears in silence. The Cinderella rescued by her prince charming from the dragon of torments is still collecting her broken pieces. Her stars are shining but the darkness that surrounds them is wider. She is lost like a little girl again…this time in the realm of dreams she fashioned with her hands.

The dreamer coiled in lonesomeness far from the haven of her rainbows. The music of her soul is inconsolable…again. 

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Ocean of Dreams

I walked barefooted 
On the cold white terrain 
The sand teased my skin 
With perplexing feeling. 

As if in stupor 
The gaze turned to the cloudless night 
The blaze of the stars burnt my eyes 
The barren heart was haunted. 

Hope is enervated 
Spirit is exhausted 
The world is empty 
Littleness hid in canopy. 

I stared at the specter 
Sad eyes, broken psyche 
Draw its fate in water 
Write its desire on sands. 

The beads of tears fell in water 
Vast sphere washed away melancholy 
Ember of suffering 
Unwittingly crushed. 

There in the farthest dot of the sea 
A tiny glimmer sparkles 
A faint glisten yet there 
The horizon where is thy dream. 

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Insects of Life

I was wordless as I found myself gazing at the spectacular vista right before my eyes. Two quaint white flowers separated from the rest. The other one with fresh petals appeared magnificently proud. While the other looked wilted and…decrepit.

Why? Obviously, the insect has feasted on its beauty. It sapped the flower’s splendor that it ended up poorly dry and totally ruined. Its petals sagged and its color turned into gross yellow.

The piteous flower seemed outcast from the group of fresh leaves and the other flower. 

Strangely, it reminds me of our faith…

As we traverse life, we come across with “insects” of life. The trials and tribulations, the pains and sufferings, the doubts and uncertainties…they all erode our faith. Growing up could only mean being devoid of “unsullied” beliefs. We usually ended up like that poor wilted flower.  

The more the “insects of life” sap our will to survive the more we become bitter with the way how we view life.

Then we say, “What’s the used of believing? Life stings anyway…”

Thenceforth, we yield into melancholy and bitterness could only mean being skeptical. We call life “ugly” and hopeless. The faith totally cave in with despair.

I gazed intently with the other flower- the fresh one. Like an infant fresh from his mother’s womb, it looked wondrously full of hope. It reminds me of love and again…faith.

The “insects of life” could hammer our soul and weaken our faith but if there is love then there is hope. The fresh white flowers imply that come tomorrow a bud of new life will spring out of nowhere because of optimism and courage.

In contrast with that piteous flower we have something that it doesn’t and audacity to fight against the “insects of life”. It could just stand there and accept its fate with the insect but we on the other hand can fight back and at the end become triumphant.

Don’t despair if sometimes our faith wilted…so long as love resides in our heart then life will always be beautiful…

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Monday, March 31, 2008

What Do My Stars Say About Me?

I've been tagged by Joy about this star quiz. You can try it yourself. It's quite cool and yeah it says a lot about my personality but not all specially those that I censored. It's 10 out of 18.

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