Sunday, September 15, 2024

White River Campground Weekend Getaway

This past weekend, my husband and I embarked on a much-needed camping trip with our family and friends at the White River Campground in Montague, MI. Surrounded by nature and the warmth of those we love, it was a weekend that offered us a reprieve from the heavy weight of reality, even if just for a short time. The recent discovery of a suspicious mass has been weighing heavily on us, and with the possibility of malignancy looming, the future feels uncertain. But this trip—this wonderful, simple time away—was exactly what we needed to heal, reflect, and feel a sense of peace amidst the storm.

White River Campground provided the perfect backdrop for relaxation. We enjoyed our peaceful walk through the trees, the fresh scent of pine in the air, and spending time fishing even though we didn't catch any. No camping trip is complete without food, and our family made sure we had an amazing array of dishes to share especially the breakfast. 

We gathered around the campfire, sharing stories, reminiscing about old times, and, most importantly, simply enjoying each other’s company. 

This camping trip was more than just a getaway. It was a chance to forget, even just for a moment, the uncertainty of the road ahead. As we return home, preparing for the next step in our journey—another test, another doctor’s visit—we hold onto the memories we created at White River Campground. The peace, the joy, and the love that surrounded us will stay with us as we face whatever challenges lie ahead.

White River Campground gave us more than just a weekend away; it gave us the reminder that, in the midst of life’s trials, there is always something to be thankful for. Whether it's a beautiful walk through the woods, the laughter of grandchildren, or the warmth of a campfire, these moments remind us of the beauty in the present. And for now, that’s enough.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Do You Face Another Possibility of Cancer?

Life is unpredictable is not just a cliche' but a painful reality. One moment, everything feels secure and peaceful, and the next, everything changes. As a cancer survivor, I know this all too well. The journey from diagnosis to treatment, and then to remission, is filled with twists and turns that no one could ever fully prepare for. There were moments of hope when I believed I was healed completely, and yet, there were also moments of deep fear when the possibility of facing cancer again felt all too real.

The struggle of enduring treatments, procedures, and the emotional toll they take during my Breast Cancer Journey is something hard to describe. It’s as if each day was a battle, with my body feeling the weight of the fight, and my heart trying to carry on. The scars, both physical and emotional, remain long after the treatments ended. But through it all, one thing kept me going—my faith in God.

In those darkest moments, when giving up seemed easier, I turned to Him. I prayed, not for an easy path, but for the strength to walk the one laid before me. As the Bible says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Even when I couldn’t see the way forward, I trusted that He had a plan for my life, one far greater than I could understand.

I’ve been given hope so many times—healing when I didn’t expect it, support when I needed it most, and love from those around me. My loving husband stood by my side, holding my hand through each difficult moment. My family and friends were my anchors, reminding me that I was never alone, even when the road felt unbearable.

So, how do you face another possibility of cancer? Instead of succumbing to despair, I choose to embrace everything. Each day, each moment is a gift. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future. And that brings me peace. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

I know if I trek the road again, I no longer fight it alone. I know that whatever awaits me is part of God’s greater plan. And while I’ve been given so many chances, I realize that I couldn't ask for more without recognizing how much I’ve already been blessed.

Walking this unknown path is made easier with the love of my husband, my family, and my friends. They are the lights that brighten my darkest days, and for that, I am forever grateful.

In the end, no matter what comes next, I trust that God has me in His hands. Life is uncertain, the next chapter is unknown, my faith is a little shaken, but I remain steadfast knowing that whatever happens, it's part of God's carefully laid plans.  

Monday, April 29, 2024

What I Do When My Heart is Anxious

Today, I have this unsettling grip of anxiety. It's that restless stirring in the depths of my being, a feeling that something isn't quite right but I can't quite pinpoint the cause. It's as though my heart is speaking a language my mind struggles to comprehend.

Anxiety is a formidable opponent, its origins sometimes shrouded in mystery. Yet, its effects are tangible, casting shadows over our thoughts and coloring our perceptions. When the heart is anxious, it can feel like navigating a stormy sea without a compass, unsure of which direction to take or how to find calm waters.

Ever since my cancer battle, I've often found myself in this place of uncertainty, where the fear emanates from deep within, a primal instinct that refuses to be silenced by reason alone. In those moments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, to succumb to the torrent of worry and doubt. I try to convince myself that it is just the side effect of my medication, but my brain can't rationalize reasons.

However, I've also discovered that amidst the chaos of anxiety, there exists a quiet strength which emanates from my faith.

Faith is not the absence of fear but the courage to face it head-on, knowing that I am not alone in my struggles. It's the unwavering belief that there is a greater purpose to what is happening with me.

When my heart is anxious, I turn to faith as my anchor, grounding me in the certainty that I have my husband to depend on, regardless of the storms raging within me. I find solace in prayer, surrendering my fears to a higher power and trusting in the wisdom of divine providence.

What I learn is that it's important to extend grace to myself, acknowledging that it's okay not to have all the answers, to stumble and fall along the way. For faith is not a destination but a journey—a winding path of self-discovery and growth, marked by moments of both triumph and great loss.

May you find peace in the midst of your anxious heart, and may your faith be a beacon of hope in the days ahead.

Praying Psalm 91 helps me a lot when my heart is anxious.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Pulling the Weeds of Doubt and Embracing Life's Uncertainties

In the garden of life, we often find ourselves tending to more than just flowers and greenery. We grapple with the stubborn weeds of doubt, anxiety, and fear, their roots digging deep into the soil of our souls. But amidst life's uncertainties, there lies a powerful truth: trust in the process and have faith in something greater than ourselves.

As a cancer survivor, I've learned firsthand the importance of pulling these weeds and nurturing the seeds of faith within me. Each day was a battle, not just against the physical ailment, but against the doubts that threatened to choke out hope. But through the darkness, I discovered a resilience I never knew I possessed—a strength born from facing the storm head-on and emerging on the other side, battered but unbroken.

Life after cancer is a journey fraught with its own uncertainties. The fear of recurrence, the anxiety of the unknown, the side effects of taking medication—these are weeds that can quickly overrun the garden of our minds if left unchecked. But I refuse to let them dictate the course of my life. Instead, I choose to trust in something greater than myself—to surrender to the divine plan that unfolds before me.

Just as a gardener tends to their plants with care and patience, so too must we tend to our spirits. We must cultivate an unwavering trust in God, knowing that even in the face of uncertainty, we are held in the palm of His hand. It's a process that requires faith, but one that yields a bountiful harvest of peace and contentment.

So, let us embrace life's uncertainties with courage and conviction. Let us pull the weeds of doubt and fear, replacing them with seeds of hope and trust. And may we, like the flowers in a well-tended garden, bloom with resilience and grace, strengthened by the trials we've faced and emboldened to face whatever lies ahead.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Unraveling the Double JJ Resort Campground: An Enchanting Camping Experience with Some Untamed Corners

Nestled amidst nature's bounty, the Double JJ Resort Campground promises a memorable camping experience that draws outdoor enthusiasts from far and wide. With a picturesque setting and an array of amenities (home to annual Electric Forest), this campground offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, like any destination, it has its pros and cons. 

From the moment you set foot in the Double JJ Resort Campground, you're greeted with a sense of serenity but immediately replaced by frustration because directions were not clearly given with poor signages. The campground's secluded location adds to the overall charm, making it a haven for those seeking peace and quiet except that there was a big event going on in the adjacent campground and loud music was played all throughout our stay.

The Double JJ Resort Campground caters to a diverse group of campers. Whether you arrive with a massive RV or prefer tent camping, there's a spot for everyone. If you are tent camping, you might want to check the electric connectivity or you would end up like the family beside us who had to connect their electricity to our camper since they didn’t have the right plug.

One of the few drawbacks we encountered during our stay at Double JJ was the issue of untrimmed trees near camping spots designated for big campers. While the rustic appeal of the untouched wilderness is understandable, it may pose challenges for campers with larger vehicles. A bit of trimming and careful planning could alleviate this concern, ensuring a comfortable camping experience for all visitors.

The resort boasts a big pool that beckons campers to cool off during hot summer days. The size of the pool is impressive, providing plenty of space for guests to enjoy swimming and lounging. However, we did notice that the pool's maintenance could be improved. Regular cleaning and upkeep would go a long way in enhancing the overall experience for visitors.

Amidst the untouched corners, one hidden gem stood out—the hot tub. Tucked away in a corner of the pool, the hot tub was a delightful surprise. It was a relaxing spot to unwind and rejuvenate after a day of outdoor activities.

While the tranquil atmosphere is appreciated by many campers, it was evident that there were hardly any staff members regularly checking on the amenities and facilities. Occasional maintenance rounds and inspections could address minor issues and provide campers with an even more pleasant stay.

The Double JJ Resort Campground undoubtedly offers an amazing camping experience, surrounded by nature's splendor and offering a range of amenities for guests to enjoy. The Double JJ Resort Campground has the potential to become an unrivaled camping destination that seamlessly blends rustic charm with modern comfort.

So, if you're looking for a quiet retreat amidst nature's beauty and don't mind embracing a few untamed edges, the Double JJ Resort Campground might just be the perfect spot for your next camping adventure and they have the best restaurant!



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