God, our Father, speak through me
so all lost souls can plainly see
not my will, but, God I seek
Your words are strong
where mine is weak.
When evil thoughts blocked my way
and giving up seems the only option,
to you God, I seek the wisdom of strength.
God edify my heart to love,
so those that hate can climb above
I know that love it is the key
So this I pray,
show love through me.
So, I say thy will be done. For whatever purpose you brought me here, my willing soul will wait till you summon me.
Holy Spirit, make me wise
feed me knowledge my heart it cries
To understand what I don't know
Please make me wise, so I may grow.
The gift of knowledge you bestowed upon me will be my anchor as I sail life.
Holy Spirit, help me trust
to lean on you, in times I must
my faith will grow each time I do
Please build my trust, my trust in you.
The spellbinding moment where I find myself at the middle of the raging sea and yet my heart is packed with complete abandonment is indeed our greatest time together.
God listen to my plea
fill me up this very day
to have the power with you to be strong
to make things right where they are wrong.
Life has a promise beyond what we could think of. Yet, for some reasons there are times that we are embraced with longing to quit what we have started.
No matter how great or small we feel, we have a giant GOD out there. Inspiring us...pulling us...pushing us...to discover the enchantment of the gift we call, LIFE.
God...thanks for listening.
As the pages of my life ran out, I will remember with tinge of nostalgic feelings the times that:
I first remember dreaming of God. At the age of six when I woke up with so much joy in my heart. The image of Jesus I dreamed about was far from the one I always saw before in our altar. He wasn't the one hanged on the cross with a suffering face. In my dream, I remember vividly dancing and singing with Him while we keep on swirling and our shriek of laughter filled the air.
I felt that I was terribly alone. August 2006, days before the grand launching of my first ever big project-the Diamond Jubilee coffee table magazine, felt like I was at the bottom of a dark pit. Everything was turning wrong and I had nobody to turn to.
My first failure. I was in grade five when I was chosen for the second time to compete in the Listening and Speaking Contest. I didn't have the vaguest idea it could be my first failure. All the other contestants who represented the school won different places except me.
My first success. I was in grade two when I experienced to be chosen as first honor of the class. It was a bitter- sweet success because the whole school year I was suffering from the hands of a very strict teacher and everything was going wrong at home. I guess, hard work pays off after all.
Days before Christmas seem to last in the whole world. We cherish each moment we spend with our love ones under the shimmering tinsel. We could almost taste the excitement the season brings.
The buttery smell of cookies, the shining garlands, Christmas trees, and the familiar voice of Santa Claus...they all add meaning to the most joyous celebration of the year.
As I think back of my childhood, I remember with nostalgic feeling all the years I spent Christmas with my father. He wasn't a showy person but in his own way he showed what Christmas is all about. I could never forget that 12:00 a.m. signals the time he would arrived home from the church. The unforgettable sotanghon, his shriek of laughter with our silly jokes...I truly miss them all.
Unfortunately, there would never be another Christmas with him. He was taken from us at the time everybody's frantic with anticipation of the happiest day of the year. Maybe I would never find the answer why but in His own time...I will. -->
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