Friday, September 07, 2018

Be of Service for a Greater Cause

The world is bigger than us and the responsibility to make an impact to the life of others is way deeper than any moral principles. It’s been my ultimate dream to make a difference in the life of others but the desire and the realization is way more complex than words could ever describe.

However, my dream is going to be realized soon. For a month, I have been working on my online store. Initially, it was just the thought of doing something while I am working on building my website and page followers. Then, I realized that I could use it for something bigger.

So, today I decided that for every product purchase in my store, I will donate a Smile Kit for one child in an impoverished place in the Philippines. The Smile Kit will contain basic necessities such as toothbrush, toothpaste, and school supplies. They are simple things that we often take for granted in life but will have a significant impact on the life of others.

If you want to be a part of this simple project, please help me by visiting my online store, iPrint Sign Solutions. Ten percent of every sale goes to a child in need.

Reflection: Everyone can do simple things to make a difference, and every little bit really does count. –Stella McCartney-

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Organize and Declutter (Day 6 of Thirty-Day Challenge for a More Meaningful Life)

Day 6. Organize and Declutter. Let go of something in your closet.

I read somewhere that attachment to material things create a void inside you. Letting go of a thing or two from your closet is the start of escaping the prison of materialism.

Good order is the foundation of all things. –Edmund Burke-

A visit to my walk-in closet and dressers made me realized that I have tons of clothes that I don’t wear anymore. As I organized, I made a decision of which clothes to let go. After hours of folding and arranging, twelve drawers, two ottoman storage, and a walk-in closet are more orderly. Simple actions that made me feel more productive and efficient.

Reflection: "Good order is the foundation of all things." –Edmund Burke-

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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Start your Day with a Prayer (Day 5 of Thirty-Day Challenge for a More Meaningful Life)

The power of prayer is undeniable.

In the busy world we live in, a meaningful life is as elusive as ever. Imagining a life which has vitality, substance and contentment is getting harder because of the overwhelming materialism that surround us. Sometimes, a gentle reminder to start your day with a prayer is all that you need to start a meaningful day.

I lost count of the times that God made a difference in our life because of prayers.

Day 5. Start your Day with a Prayer 

When I was teaching in Indonesia, I used to start my day reading a Bible with my husband who was here in the United States. Prayer continuously plays a vital role in our relationship but life could be overwhelming sometimes that we only get to do it before going to sleep or before eating dinner.

A prayer before starting that day is a humble way of asking God to show me which way He wants me to go. It is also a beautiful reminder that I am as fallible as ever and only God can complete me. If and when I fall on this day, I know that the prayer I uttered for the day is enough to strengthen my resolve to stand and live the day as a child of God.

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayers is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The Most Beautiful Place in the United States

The thought that we spent the day at the most beautiful place in United States still beguiled me. The accolade was not something I just invented but it’s actually granted and undeniably deserved by Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. With over 100,000 votes from the public, the award was given by ABC’s Good Morning America.

I was wonderstruck to see the panoramic scenic view of the entrancing beauty of this place. I think, pictures describe a thousand words so I would let the pictures speak for this majestic beauty right here in Michigan!

The second stop at the scenic views of the Sleeping Bear Dunes park. 

Beautiful view with special people in my life. 

Most of the land on the islands is now owned by the National Park Service and is open to the public. 

Sunny beaches and sky-high dunes. 

Sam's adventurous nature brought us to the most beautiful place in the United States. 

The hills, dunes, valleys, shoreline, small lakes, and streams which you'll see throughout the area were formed by the powerful earth-moving forces of ice, wind, and water over time. 

Trail leads to a lookout at the top of Pyramid Point. 

Lake Michigan’s water can be a bit chilly in June, but is a welcome relief during the hot parts of July and August. 

The trip was also a great bonding experience. 

The pyramid point trail is about 2.7 miles long with a spur to a lookout point high over Lake Michigan. 

Miles and miles of clear water and white sand. 

Lake Michigan seems so near but it actually requires about two hours of going back up the hill. 

With beautiful Sam. :) 

Overlooking the two islands. 

Sam and Zack brought us to the two most beautiful places we've ever been in Michigan- Sleeping Bear Dunes and Pictured Rocks. 

The steep hill scared me at first. The water seems near but it'll take you two hours to climb up and 2,000 dollars if you need to be rescued. 

That's as far as I could go. The height scared me. 

The colors of the lake indicate the water level. 

The water seems so near but it's actually higher and it would take you two hours to hike. 

Picturesque sceneries as far as your eyes could see. 

The man in blue shirt actually went down the steep hill 20 years ago.

Be One with Nature (Day 4 of Thirty- Day Challenge for a More Meaningful Life)

Being one with nature is beneficial both on your body and mind.

A day in a life could just come and go and doing this challenge is starting to have a huge impact on my perspectives in life. Just on the fourth day and I am already realizing that there are effectual ways to break the monotony of life.

Day 4. Be One with Nature
Today, I challenged myself to be one with nature. Thankfully, we are currently on vacation so it is a lot easier to put in reality. Our day started early with a visit to the Sleeping Bear Dunes Scenic Drive. It has about 12 stop over that allowed us to bask on different views. Being one with nature allowed me to smell the trees and reminded me of my mortality.

One of the stop-over at the Scenic Drive.

We went hiking, stopped to save a turtle along the road, savoured the beauty of Lake Michigan, and walked in the cleanest water I have ever seen. I also experienced just laying down on the sand while enjoying the amazing view of Lake Michigan at Sleeping Bear Dunes Pyramid Point. I was sore all over from hiking and endless walking but it was so much fun.

A plethora of studies show that being in nature allows us to release anger, anxiety and stress. It also offers the most positive boost to provide healing for both body and mind.

Hans Christian Andersen said it perfectly, “Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

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