The first time we saw each other!
The way I see it, the person you will spend your life with should be your best friend and the time that I met Nina was the time I needed a good friend. She was there for me night and day. After a year of talking six hours a day on the phone, we decided that I should come to Indonesia and with me was a ring and I had already made up my mind that she was the one for me. It was the most terrible plane ride I could ever imagine and I never had any experience flying before so I was like a scared cat with my claws digging to the seat every time the plane experienced turbulence. But, the second I saw her when I was coming out of the airport, I knew she was the woman for me.
People say long distance relationship usually does not work out but I disagree. I feel that we know more each other because all we could do was talk. Most people jump into a relationship so fast and they don’t even have time to get to know each other. Our relationship is based on our feelings for each other not just by physical attraction but much deeper.
I think we know each other so well and that’s what helped us through such a long process that most people would not be able to endure. Most people would have given up but I saw something amazing in Nina that I would have waited a lifetime for. God has blessed us with a love that only people can dream about. And after waiting for more than two years, we are together for our first Valentine’s Day. So, I’d better get her a good gift. Lol.
I hope I didn’t bore everybody because this is not the first time I will be writing in her blog. Lol.