Saturday, August 02, 2014

When God Made Teachers (The Awakening)

As to the exact date when the idea was born, I can’t really recall. I only knew that it was one fine morning and I had this very rare luxury of lingering longer on bed that I felt that gnawing restlessness of something that I needed to express.

I thought it was just another blog thingy that after writing an article then I would feel fulfilled. But, the thought of more than a decade in teaching, thousands of students, countless memories, remarkable experiences, and unique undertakings which catapulted me to who am I now, haunted me for hours and days, and nights, until finally, I succumbed into the calling.

Thus, the 101 stories of selfless sacrifices, discoveries, struggles, feats, failures, and inexplicable journey of a teacher were slowly put into words. I set the deadline. I marked the calendar. Complete layout of the book including revisions will be done. So, help me, God.


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