Friday, November 23, 2007

God, listen to my plea...

God, our Father, speak through me
so all lost souls can plainly see

not my will, but, God I seek

Your words are strong 

where mine is weak.

When evil thoughts blocked my way
and giving up seems the only option,
to you God, I seek the wisdom of strength.

God edify my heart to love,

so those that hate can climb above

I know that love it is the key

So this I pray,

show love through me.

So, I say thy will be done. For whatever purpose you brought me here, my willing soul will wait till you summon me.

Holy Spirit, make me wise

feed me knowledge my heart it cries

To understand what I don't know

Please make me wise, so I may grow.

The gift of knowledge you bestowed upon me will be my anchor as I sail life.

Holy Spirit, help me trust

to lean on you, in times I must

my faith will grow each time I do

Please build my trust, my trust in you.

The spellbinding moment where I find myself at the middle of the raging sea and yet my heart is packed with complete abandonment is indeed our greatest time together.

God listen to my plea

fill me up this very day

to have the power with you to be strong

to make things right where they are wrong.

Life has a promise beyond what we could think of. Yet, for some reasons there are times that we are embraced with longing to quit what we have started.

No matter how great or small we feel, we have a giant GOD out there. Inspiring us...pulling us...pushing discover the enchantment of the gift we call, LIFE.

God...thanks for listening. 


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